Whispers of Elegance: A Journey through Our Luxurious Speakeasy

Step into the world of clandestine indulgence at Less Than Greater Than, where every corner whispers secrets of a bygone era. Tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the city streets, our hideaway inside of New City Microcreamery invites you to step back in time and immerse yourself in an atmosphere of mystery and allure.

As you descend into our moody, dimly-lit space, you'll be enveloped by an ambiance that exudes luxury and sophistication. Soft melodies drift through the air, mingling with the clink of glasses and the murmur of intimate conversations, creating a soundtrack that sets the stage for an unforgettable evening.

The allure of our speakeasy lies not only in its secretive charm but also in the elevated dining experience it offers. Our menu is a testament to culinary excellence, showcasing a carefully curated selection of dishes that blend classic flavors with innovative twists. From decadent small plates to indulgent main courses, each dish is crafted with precision and passion, promising a symphony of flavors that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more.

But it's not just about the food – it's about the experience. Our attentive staff is dedicated to ensuring that every moment of your visit is nothing short of perfection, from the moment you step through our doors to the final sip of your handcrafted cocktail. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply seeking a romantic night out, our speakeasy-style restaurant sets the stage for a date night unlike any other.

So why not add a touch of intrigue and romance to your evening? Join us at Less Than Greater Than and immerse yourself in a world of moody elegance, where luxury meets secrecy and every bite is a journey into culinary bliss. After all, some secrets are meant to be shared – especially over a sumptuous meal in the company of someone special.


A Culinary Odyssey at Less Than Greater Than